The Sea-Image: Visual Manifestations of Port Cities and Global Waters is the outcome of visual research by xurban_collective, and a symposium that brought together an international group of artists, scholars and writers. The Sea-Image aims to address the seas as defined by various manifestations of global trade, economy, and the flow of bodies. It endeavors to develop visual and narrative strategies to tackle with the particularities and potentialities that the sea presents.
edited by Guven Incirlioglu & Hakan Topal
Contributions by; Ursula Biemann (Zurich) and Shuruq A. M. Harb (Ramallah), T.J. Demos (London), Peter Mörtenböck & Helge Mooshammer, Vyjayanthi Rao (New York), Alex Villar (New York) and Relli De Vries (Tel Aviv) and xurban_collective (New York, Izmir, Istanbul)
Published by Newgray, New York, 2011
Book project concept by xurban_collective
Designed by Mahir Yavuz
The print edition of the book can currently be found at:
New Museum Bookstore (New York), Istanbul Modern Bookstore, Robinson Crusoe Bookstore (Istanbul)
The PDF version can be purchased from GOOGLE BOOKS
All proceeds will go toward future xurban_collective productions.